Our offices are located at 191 Booth Road, Unit #5, North Bay, Ontario, Canada.
Success, Experience, and The Right Credentials
At Aultis Insurance & Financial Solutions Inc., we are the “next generation” in plan design, underwriting technology, and funding. Our team has a wealth of experience, and diverse professional backgrounds – with more than 35 years experience in the insurance and financial services fields.
Leading-edge Solutions for Your Group Benefit Needs
Our success results from exceeding our clients’ expectations and providing superlative service and imaginative cost effective solutions. Being successful in today’s market requires better quality, lower prices and faster service. Successful companies are achieving these goals by improving the management of their processes – the movement to better financial management and better service.
Convenient, Personalized Service
As a client, you will enjoy the convenience and personalized service that are the foundation of Aultis. We are a successful, goal oriented company with an impressive list of references. Please call us. You are under no obligation and your inquiry will be treated confidentially.